Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Vibrating Edge

This is a work in progress for our Vibrating Edge project. I plan to adjust it after our critique in class.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Simultaneous Colors

In this assignment, we were to take two of the same color chip (5P 7/4 and 5GY 8/4) and note how the contrast of the two colors surrounding them change how our brains percieve the color of the chips.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Color Relations

Advancing and Receding Color
"When cool colors are placed next to or surrounding warm colors, the warm hues appear to be closer to the viewer."

Successive Contrast and Vibrating Boundaries
"A vibrating edge is seen when a vivid red is placed next to a vivid  blue-green of similar value and chroma."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Shade and Hue Scale and 9 Step Painting

For the first portion of this project, we were assigned to create a hue and shade scale ranging from white to black with the middle of the scale being the pure hue.

I also took this chance to fix up my yellow orange color wheel chip.

Next, we made a painting based off of a non representational photograph. I chose to do the same red again because I thought it would be easier to match the values to the scale that I already created.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Color Wheel and Value Scale

For our introduction into mixing colors, we were to create a 12 step color wheel and an 11 step value scale. I think all of the colors, with an exception to the purple shades, turned out pretty well!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Munsell Color Graph

We used the Munsell Student Color Textbook to start our exploration in color.